Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What services do you offer?
  2. What types of projects do you work on?
  3. How do I get started?
  4. How long does a project typically take?
  5. What do you charge?
  6. Do you offer free samples?
  7. What is your process for ghostwriting fiction?
  8. Do you provide confidentiality agreements?
  9. What file formats do you accept for editing?
  10. How can you help me if I’m still developing my idea?
  11. What genres do you work with?
  12. How do you ensure the quality of your edits?
  13. Do you offer free revisions?

What services do you offer?

I offer the following services:

  • Developmental editing
  • Line editing
  • Copy editing
  • Proofreading
  • Ghostwriting
  • Blurb writing
  • True crime podcast writing

You find out more about my services here.

What types of projects do you work on?

I primarily work with fiction manuscripts as both a book editor and a ghostwriter. On the nonfiction side, I work on true crime podcasts.

How do I get started?

You can either email me at or book a consultation call.

How long does a project typically take?

This all depends on the types of services you require and how long your content is. Most full-length projects typically take approximately six to eight weeks or more. However, if you’re on a tight time budget, I can add a rush fee to speed up the process.

What do you charge?

Each project’s fee is customized based on the type of work being performed, how long the content is, and how soon you need it to be finished. If you require a shorter deadline, those project fees will be higher. Likewise, I can offer a discount if you don’t need a project finished right away. See the table below for price ranges for each service if you need to start budgeting now. Please keep in mind these fees have big ranges that depend on length and amount of work required.

Developmental Editing on a full manuscript$1,500–5,000
Developmental Editing on an idea/concept$300–1,500
Line Editing$1,000–3,000
Copy Editing$500–2,500
Blurb Writing$100–500
True Crime Script Writing$500–5,000
Ghostwriting on a full manuscript$5,000–15,000

Do you offer free samples?

I offer free sample edits on the first three pages for line edits, copy edits, and proofreads. Since developmental editing requires a full read of a manuscript, it’s not possible to offer a free sample for that service. Sample chapters for mystery and thriller can be sent to potential ghostwriting clients.

What is your process for ghostwriting fiction?

All my projects start with a consultation call so we can get to know each other and ask each other questions about the project. From there, we enter the development phase, where we create and fine-tune the idea and all the elements until you’re happy with it. Once that’s completed, the writing phase begins. You’ll get regular updates and chapters to review along the way. Then we’ll enter the revision stage that’s driven by your feedback. A project of this nature requires quite a bit of approval and review, so to ensure a smooth finish, we’ll remain in regular contact until you’re happy with the results.

Do you provide confidentiality agreements?

Absolutely! All my contracts have a clause that ensures your privacy and confidentiality.

What file formats do you accept for editing?

To guarantee consistency and best results, I work with Microsoft Word for any edits or written projects that require us to track how the document changes throughout our work together. On proofreads, I prefer to work with PDFs of the final proof for accuracy.

How can you help me if I’m still developing my idea?

This is a great time to hire me for a developmental edit because I can help ensure your novel or series idea has all the elements needed to make a cohesive story in your genre/subgenre. Getting this service before you begin writing chapters is a great way to prepare for success in your writing process.

What genres do you work with?

  • True Crime
  • Mystery
  • Thriller
  • Suspense

For ghostwriting, my particular experience is with the following subgenres:

  • Cozy Mystery
  • Psychological Thriller
  • Domestic Thriller
  • Young Adult Thriller

How do you ensure the quality of your edits?

My past experience as a managing editor for multiple companies has given me the background I need to produce high-quality edits every time. But I also use these following strategies to deliver great work every time:

  • I read widely in mystery and thriller genres to ensure I understand those genre conventions.
  • I limit my editing sessions throughout the day to keep my eyes fresh.
  • I read some more challenging passages out loud to check for flow and comprehension.
  • I research widely while I edit to ensure I guide you to making the best choices for your work.
  • I do spot checks before I return the manuscript to double-check my work.

Do you offer free revisions?

I give my clients a certain period of time to go over my work and provide feedback. If something needs adjusting within that timeframe, I will be happy to do some more work.

Any other questions? Email me at