If you’ve written your first cozy mystery novel, there are some reader expectations you’ll want to get right right out of the gate. Our COZY MYSTERY REVIEW service will give you detailed feedback on what elements you did well and what elements need some work.

However, this is not a full developmental edit. It’s more in line with a professional beta read.

We’ll spend one to two weeks reading your novel—depending on the length—and send you a detailed report that gives you some overall advice on how you can meet cozy mystery readers’ expectations better. We’ll also highlight the strengths we find in your novel.

At this stage on your journey to publishing, we will not perform edits on your book. We are simply giving you our professional feedback on how your story lands.



You’ll receive one to two pages of feedback on your cozy mystery novel that highlights your strengths and areas for improvement.

$99 per novel


You’ll receive one to two pages of feedback on your cozy mystery novel that highlights your strengths and areas for improvement. Additionally, you’ll also receive some suggestions on what about your story makes it more marketable. And if we see some way to improve that, we’ll give you a list of things you can implement in your book.

$149 per novel


You’ll receive one to two pages of feedback on your cozy mystery novel that highlights your strengths and areas for improvement. Additionally, you’ll also receive some suggestions on what about your story makes it more marketable. And if we see some way to improve that, we’ll give you a list of things you can implement in your book. Also, to help kickstart the editing of your novel, we’ll edit the first 3,000 words of your story, implementing direct edits and editorial comments.

$349 per novel

Want to get started today? Fill out this form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.