We provide the following writing services to help support your cozy mystery publishing goals:

Book Blurb Book description for book retailers$150
Media KitFive-page document for media outlets$500
Press ReleaseOne-page$125
Blog PostArticle for your website$100+
Query LetterLetter designed to attract a literary agent$1,000
Pricing for Cozy Mystery Writing Services

Book Blurb

Once a potential reader gets to your sales page, the book blurb you create is the #1 piece of writing that will help sell your book. It’s need to tell just the right amount of information about your story—and it also needs to be short so your readers can read it quickly. We’ll consult with you about your book and write a solid book blurb that’s designed to inspire your readers to purchase.

Media Kit

This is a helpful marketing piece to have if you want to gain maximum exposure with the media. An ideal media kit will highlight information about your and your book that you’ll be able to post on your website and send off to newspapers, magazines, and blogs you’re targeting for more publicity.

Press Release

This another great marketing tool you can use if you want to gain maximum exposure in the media. Typically uploaded to a press release agency or distribution service, your press release will circulate among journalists looking for stories related to your newsworthy press release. We’ll work with you to find the best angle for your press release for maximum media exposure.

Blog Post

A blog post is an article posted either on your website or another platform you’re using to create content for your readers. These are typically anywhere from 500 words to 3,000 words and can be on a variety of topics related to your book. After consulting with you about your blogging strategy, we’ll do the keyword research necessary for the best impact on your SEO, conduct any research needed for the article, and write and edit the content for you.

Query Letter

If you’re interested in getting a literary agent to represent you and your book, this package will help you get closer to that goal. After reading your novel, we’ll write your query letter, synopsis, and outline, then customize the letter for the agent who’s a best fit for you. If you don’t have a target agent, we’ll do the research and consult with you on the best option for you and your book.

Get started today and contact us through the form below.